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What Comes with a Partsology Engine Rebuild Kit?

Posted by Michael Manning on

Partsology supplies premium engine rebuild kits for every major vehicle manufacturer – premium rebuild kits that will stand the test of time and make your project as easy as humanly possible.     How Do the Partsology Engine Rebuild Kits Work? We start by selecting the best parts, made of quality materials on everything from the piston sets, piston rings, bearings, gaskets, and more. These parts are then compiled into proper set for the engine you have, whether it is a 4-cylinder Honda Civic, V8 Ram 1500, or anything between. We then box it up and ship it off to...

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Symptoms of a Bad Power Steering Pump

Posted by Michael Manning on

Difficult to Turn Car or Loud Squealing Noises When Turning? Every part of your car was put there for some reason. They all serve a purpose. Admittedly, some of their purposes are more important than others when it comes to the drivability of your car or truck. Your power steering pump is a part that without it working properly, your vehicle will be nearly impossible to drive. There are symptoms to look for in a bad or failing power steering pump. Power Steering Pumps Are Essential Gone are the days of vehicles that don’t come with power steering. In modern...

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What’s That Smell? Identify and Fix a Valve Cover Gasket Oil Leak

Posted by Michael Manning on

Don’t Let Your Engine Run Low On Oil – It Can Cause Serious Engine Damage The smell of burning oil, an engine that is running rough or has a rough idle, or your engine oil is low when checking with the oil dipstick, are all signs that you may have an oil leak. But where is the oil leaking from? Usually, you will find spots of oil under the car on your street or driveway when parked. The location of that oil spot is often the first indication of what is leaking under the hood. If the leak is near...

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Diagnose a Bad Water Pump

Posted by Michael Manning on

Don’t Get Stranded In The Middle Of Nowhere – Learn To Spot Issues Early Some car parts are easier to spot early signs of failure than others and your water pump is one of them. At the first sign of a failing water pump, you should replace it. This is not a part that you want to fail while you are on the road or out in the middle of nowhere. You can get stranded real fast. What are the symptoms of a bad water pump? Weeping “Weep Holes” The first sign of a failing water pump is water leaking...

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How To Diagnose A Screeching Noise On Your Car Or Truck

Posted by Michael Manning on

Bad Accessory and Drive Belts, Bad Water Pumps and Power Steering Pumps, and More The most annoying sound is probably a screeching noise coming from the engine. It is a high pitch shrill that can send a chill down your spine. You may have experienced this in your car at some point or you have woken up to the sound of your neighbor’s car shrieking down the street as it warms up. However, you have experienced this sound, one thing is certain, it is not pleasant. When trying to pinpoint the location and component that is the culprit of all...

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